The 7-10 Split by Karmen Lee

TL;DR: This was just fun. Don’t get in expecting a super deep or involved novel, but it was fun and unique with a focus on bowling.
Source: NetGalley, thank you to Harlequin for the eARC!

Plot: Old high school rivals become co-coaches for the teams bowling team and the lanes get hot!
Characters: I liked them, though I wish we’d gotten clearly motivations on a lot of what happens to them and their families.
Setting: A small town, with small town vibes. It was integrated well but not explained in depth.
Romance: I did really like the relationship between the two even if I feel like we didn’t get all the details on what happened to them before? I was happy with where they ended up.


The 7-10 Split is what I would call a super fun and light romance. It follows two women, one who has recently moved back home to become a teacher as they come together to co-coach a bowling team. The two once had an intense rivalry/friendship that ended poorly before high school graduation and bad feelings still linger. So they have to figure that out in order to save the team and of course they catch feelings in the process.

Overall my only big complaint about this story is that I felt like it was maybe too light on it’s touch? It was fun, and engaging and the chemistry was there on page! But any time we started to get just a hint of something deeper or more involved we were swiftly shown a different part of the story and the conflict/feelings where shared and solved off page with a little bit of throwaway mention.

So if you’re wanting something super easy and light – this is going to be the book. If you want something with a bit more meat, maybe not? I will definitely be continuing to read Karmen Lee in the future.

4 out of 5 bowling balls

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